onX Maps

Hadley Creek

Website Address posted for sponsors only
Hunter: Shane Ellison
Passing Through
Ratings to date: 40
Average Rating 2.8
Hunter Comments
I do not recommend this outfitter

Too many small bucks being shot. There were several bucks below the minimums shot during our trip in October as well as during December when we went back and bow hunted during muzzleloader season. Couldn't get a clear answer on how may hunters come through their camps during a season. Do the math!!! How many hunters does it take to have 100 deer shot during a season. There were approximately 7 deer shot during the October trip between 4 camps, with and average of 18 guys per camp, that is approx. 12% success. There were 7 deer shot during our hunt in December with approx 20 guys in camp. Of the 14 deer shot between both trips, a majority of them were under the minimum and had to pay the price. If I had to estimate the number of bucks during the two trips that were below the minimum, I would have to say that at least 10 of the 14 were "ATM" bucks.

Be careful not to put too much emphasis on the website photos. If you have any experience judging at all, one can see that most of the bucks in the phots are less than 130 inches.

Do your homework before you decide. Review the web for other comments and reviews. Don't rely on just one or two.

Was the outfitter notified of problems? - NO

Outfitter's Response

None to date. If you are the outfitter please email us.

Hunt Information
Date of Hunt - October 2007
Implement - Compound Bow
Hunt Type - Outfitted
Number in Camp - 18
Weather Information
Did Weather Affect your Hunt? Yes - Unusually Warm Conditions
Weather Comments:
Weather was somewhat of a factor, but my comments are not based upon our success. The weather was like a yo-yo, one day 80 degrees, and then 40 and rainy the next. The patterns were unpatternable, but that is common for Illinois during late October.
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