Moultrie Mobile

New Zealand Trophy Hunting

New Zealand
Website Address posted for sponsors only
Hunter: shawn friedbacher
Ratings to date: 1
Average Rating 5.0

Hunter Comments
I recommend this outfitter

Gus and Carla were great hosts and honestly I felt more like a friend then a client. Everything was organized perfectly from the airport pick up to the side trips Carla arranged for us after the hunt. I would highly suggest taking you wife and doing the side trips the list is endlist.

I planned on hunting with the bow and Gus was great at getting me on the animals and knew just what to do to get into place for the shot. These animals were a real challenge and although I had shots I just couldn't find the mark and ended up taking my animals with a rifle. I have no one to blame but myself for my shooting ability on this trip the guide did his job, I didn't do mine. I am still as happy as can be though with my trophies taken with a bow. I ended up taking a Red Stag/Fallow and a Feral Goat.

There were numerous animals of all species and the trophy quality was excellent on all species. I saw Red Stag/Elk/Fallow/Feral Goat/Arapawa Ram/Chamois and Wallaby. Even saw one stag they had never seen that should score over 500 SCI

The terrain was a challenge with steep hills, cliffs and thick brushy draws. With that being said though they can cater the hunt to all physical abilites and you don't need to be in "sheep shape" to enjoy the hunt.

The lodging was only a few minutes from the hunting area and was in Gus and Carlas home. We had our own room and private bathroom which even included heated floors in the bathroom and if needed a laundry area.

The food was unreal and there was plenty of it. Jills the cook was outstanding. To give you a little idea of what it was like, one night we were talking about Cream Puffs a WI staple at our State Fair. Next day Jills made us Cream Puffs for dessert from scratch just because she listened at dinner and wanted us to feel at home. All the food was fresh and homemade from scratch.

I could go on forever, however I think I covered the important items and if anyone whats more information feel free to shoot me an e-mail.

Outfitter's Response

It was an absolute pleasure to host Shawn and Chrissy during their time here in New Zealand. We had such a great time with them both and were really sad to see them go. We wanted their hunt and their holiday to be the best it could possibly be and would have done whatever it took to make it a great adventure for them. Both Shawn and Chrissy were such fun to have around and so completely relaxed about everything. We felt exactly the same about the mention Shawn made about being in the company of friends. We feel that is what it's all about. Shawn did some awesome hunting and got 3 very nice animals. He did some big days and we were rapt that he ended up with the trophy's he did. Now Chrissy needs to make more space in their trophy room :-) Thank you both for an absolutely brilliant week - we are so pleased to have met you both and very much look forward to staying in touch (and to Vegas next year:-)

Hunt Information
Date of Hunt - March 2011
Implement - Compound Bow
Hunt Type - Guided
Personal Guide -
Number in Camp - 1
Outfitter Cost - $3,900.00
Other Costs - $5,500.00
Weather Information
Did Weather Affect your Hunt? No - Weather not a factor
Weather Comments:
First morning was foggy, but the rest of the days were clear and warm with evenings and mornings cool getting the stags really roaring
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