Mathews Inc.

Buck Connection

Website Address posted for sponsors only
Hunter: josh lunning
Ratings to date: 2
Average Rating 1.0
Hunter Comments
I do not recommend this outfitter

I spoke with the outfitter well before the hunt a few times. Very nice guy. I was told there would be about 10 guys in camp. I was also told that his success rates on this hunt were about 75%. Well there were so many people in camp that he had to move people to local motels. (which was fine with us) As far as the success rate...1 person shot a buck. 1 out of over 15 people..How do you maintain 75% success going 1 for 15? (granted it was a 170+ deer)Myself and my 2 buddies were given 1 farm to hunt. We were sitting a couple hundred yards apart the entire time. We were put in stands regardless of wind direction. We saw 1 buck the entire time. The guides hunted everyday. I do not recomend this outfitter.

Was the outfitter notified of problems? - NO

Outfitter's Response

I remember Josh from the 2007 rifle hunt, he was here with 2 friends and a different group of 7 hunters headed by Jerry Flema, the only other complaint in 11 years, who's group were the worst troublemakers ever here, drinking, wandering, took a 4 wheeler (without permission ) rode it around the woods. Mr. Flema is being sued by Buckconnection for a rubber check and the trial being 1 month off I would guess Flema has contacted Josh and I will see Josh's complaint in court because it mirrors Flema's excuse for the bad check. As far as Josh's complaint, he talks about the wind, which way does it have to blow to kill a buck? Out guiding the guide? Why complain about a hunt in 2011 when it happened in 2007, did it just hit you? Why not complain to my face? I talked to Josh a couple months after the hunt and returned some left behind clothes, no complaints. One never knows what a hunter does when left in the woods, walks around? Anyway we have good success at Buckconnection and alot of successful hunters

Hunt Information
Date of Hunt - November 2007
Implement - Rifle
Hunt Type - Outfitted
Number in Camp - 13
Outfitter Cost - $1,800.00
Other Costs - $200.00
Weather Information
Did Weather Affect your Hunt? No - Weather not a factor
Weather Comments:
No weather comments submitted
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