Mathews Inc.

Bald Mountain Outfitters

Website Address posted for sponsors only
Hunter: Andris Niedra
Ratings to date: 2
Average Rating 3.0
Hunter Comments
I do not recommend this outfitter

Just got home a week early from a disastrous Wind River trip. Drove 1700 miles to Pinedale , stayed one day, drove back 1700 miles. We booked the horse trip with an outfitter in June when we asked for a flat camping spot by Chain Lakes cause Judy uses a cane to walk, and a mule for Judy cause it's a calmer riding animal. The outfitter knew all this and said they could do it. We arrived at their place in the evening before to give them our camping gear and have it weighed, and go over the details of when to be where next morning. Everything was agreed upon and we were to meet next morning high on a hill at their corral. We get there next morning dressed for wet snow that was imminent just to find the outfitter would not take us in. I specifically asked if it was due to the weather and they said it was because of Judy's balance problems they did not have a mule for her to ride in on. But they had agreed (but not in writing) to have a mule for her two months earlier. They refunded my whole costs but kept the $200 tip for the wranglers for no services provided. I have no idea what happened between the evening before and the next morning. But it sure closed the door for us to ever vacation out west again.

Was the outfitter notified of problems? - YES

Outfitter's Response

None to date. If you are the outfitter please email us.

Hunt Information
Date of Hunt - August 2018
Implement - Compound Bow
Hunt Type - Outfitted
Number in Camp - 2
Outfitter Cost - $1,050.00
Other Costs - $0.00
Weather Information
Did Weather Affect your Hunt? No - Weather not a factor
Weather Comments:
No weather comments submitted
  • Sitka Gear