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Two Bear Outfitters

Hunter: Otto Schueckler
Ratings to date: 17
Average Rating 5.0
Hunter Comments
I recommend this outfitter

I have hunted with Two Bear Outfitters for the last two years. Alan Carter, the outfitter, runs a very organized, efficient and professional camp. He and his guides are extremely knowledgeable about the area and how to get on elk. I felt like they are as excited to get out in the field as the clients. The food is great and plentiful. Accommodations consist of wall tents with cots and a wood stove(when needed) which will be lit before you arrive back to camp to warm up or dry gear. This is a physical hunt but the guides seem to be very good at assessing their client to keep everyone safe and within their abilities. I have had opportunity each year. I'm planning on hunting with Two Bear Outfitters next year.

Outfitter's Response

None to date. If you are the outfitter please email us.

Hunt Information
Date of Hunt - September 2020
Implement - Compound Bow
Hunt Type - Outfitted
Personal Guide - Alan Carter
Number in Camp - 6
Weather Information
Did Weather Affect your Hunt? No - Weather not a factor
Weather Comments:
We had a bit of snow and wind the first day but then warmed up to a bit warmer than usual.
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