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First of Four excerpts from the book "Unforgettable Bowhunters"




We have elected not to edit this article. It contains graphic details and accounts from police reports as reported in the book. We strongly recommend this article is not read by children, or people offended by graphic descriptions of violent crime.


Alaskan Serial Killer!

Bob Hansen Hunted Humans

FINDING A PARTIALLY BURIED BOOT on the Knik River valley sandbar 25 air miles north of Anchorage wasn’t that odd, really. But the human leg bone inside the boot instantly snagged the full attention of the two off-duty cops hunting through this particular stretch of riverside brush.

Also, the .223 caliber shell casing lying nearby told the officers that they likely had stumbled across a crime scene. Their instincts were right on target.

The face of a future killer was captured in this 1957 Pocahontas (Iowa) High School yearbook photo. Robert Hansen later moved to Alaska and became a serial killer of prostitutes and exotic dancers, raping and then hunting them like animals.


Forensic testing eventually identified the decomposed remains as Sherry Morrow, a 24-year-old exotic dancer from Anchorage’s Wild Cherry Bar. Friends told investigating cops that Sherry was last seen November 17, 1981, shortly after she told them a guy had offered her $300 to pose for some photos.

The cause of death? Three gunshot wounds from a .223 rifle. In fact, hers was the third decomposing female body discovered in this same general area. This seemed more than happenstance. There was little doubt that a serial killer was stalking the Alaskan wilds.

CHECK OUT THE EARLIEST Pope & Young Club record books and you can find the name of Robert C. Hansen. In fact, at one time the transplanted Iowan claimed several noteworthy Alaskan bowhunting successes, including the world record Dall’s sheep and the number two barren ground caribou, both tagged in 1971.

But that was long before the smallish, acne-scarred, bespectacled and stuttering sadist was exposed as a cruel killer who preferred hunting and killing a different kind of game: topless dancers and prostitutes. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, Hansen routinely abducted women from the seamier sections of Anchorage, flew them in his Super Cub to a wilderness cabin, then savagely raped and further brutalized them.

Finally, he released his terrified captors – naked, disoriented and alone – into the surrounding woods. Later Hansen calmly picked up his rifle, tracked down his fleeing prey and shot each woman dead.

THE BEGINNING OF THE END for Bob Hansen occurred on June 13, 1983, when a frantic girl with a handcuff dangling from one bruised wrist flagged down a passing truck driver.

The young prostitute later told police that she’d been offered $200 for oral sex by a small man with a pock-marked face. Midway through the sex act, her customer suddenly snapped a handcuff on her wrist and pulled a pistol. Driving her to his nearby house, he brutally raped her, angrily bit her nipples and shoved a hammer handle into her vagina. Next, the man drove his stunned victim to a waiting airplane, forcing her inside. But as he loaded supplies for a flight “to his cabin in the mountains,” the girl suddenly threw open a door and ran screaming into the night. Hansen pursued her but vanished when a passing truck driver stopped to assist the battered whore.

The girl later identified Hansen’s home and his blue and white Piper Super Cub with tail number N3089Z. He denied the attack, of course, claiming the girl was trying to get him into trouble and likely wanting some sort of payoff.

But Hansen’s cloak of respectability as a very successful bakery shop owner, devoted husband and father of two children, was beginning to slowly fray and unravel. When one of his rifles was positively identified as having fired the shells that killed Sherry Morrow, the Knik River sandbar corpse, Hansen realized that his decade-long killing spree was over. He pled guilty on February 18, 1984, and promptly sought to cut a deal that would save his miserable life.

In time Robert C. Hansen led authorities to 15 gravesites. Seven bodies were recovered. He ultimately was charged with four counts of first-degree murder.

EVEN BEFORE HIS ARREST and conviction, Hansen was viewed with some suspicion by skeptical Alaskan bowhunters. Rumors abounded that Hansen had killed his world record ram in an area closed to hunting and used a rifle – not a bow – to kill the big sheep. I spoke with one bowhunter from Alaska who’d encountered Bob Hansen during his ’71 sheep hunt. He was carrying a rifle, not a bow, according to the eyewitness.

But Hansen signed a Fair Chase affidavit, swearing that he’d legally taken the record class Chugach Mountains ram scoring 163 1⁄8. And for a short time the name of Robert C. Hansen – a mentally unbalanced killer and pathological liar – was listed as the man who tagged bowhunting’s best Dall’s sheep.


  • Entered a total of four animals – two barren ground caribou and two Dall’s sheep – in the Pope & Young records
  • His largest ram reigned as bowhunting’s world record during the 1970s and early 1980s
  • Found guilty of four counts of first-degree murder in the deaths of four exotic dancers/prostitutes; sentenced to 461 years in prison, plus life with no possibility of parole
  • Initially confined to Spring Creek Correctional Facility in Seward, Alaska; later transferred to the Lewisburg Federal Penitentiary in Pennsylvania


Coming Soon:

Chapter 29 - Mr. Consistency - Danny Moore
Chapter 24 - A Case of Avarice and Ego - Don Lewis
Chapter 5 - The Greatest Bowhunter of the All - Fred Bear



"The Book you absolutely can not put down!"

When MR James sent me a copy of his new book "Unforgettable Bowhunters" my first reaction was it was another book highlighting the hero's I knew all too well. What I discovered was a book that is an absolute must for every bowhunter's bookcase and one that I absolutely could not put down! Spotlighting the Good, the Great, and even the Worst bowhunters that ever lived. A candid, and brutally honest piece that will make you laugh, make you angry, and even scare the hell out of you. I have never recommended a book more than I do this one.

Pat Lefemine, Founder


How to Order

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