KBA Membership Form

Name _________________________ E-mail address________________
Street Address_______________________ City_____________________
County_________________ State_______ Zip_____________
Birth Date ____________Phone_________________
Internet Handle __________________________________

Send to:

KBA Applications
Robert Griffin
300 E. Sac & Fox St.,
Lebo KS  66856

__ New __ Renewal
1 year regular membership- $25.00
Junior membership- $10.00

Return this application along with your check or money order payable to the Kansas Bowhunters Association Inc. (Check will be returned if application is not approved.) Allow 4 - 6 weeks.

Have you attended an International Bowhunter Education (IBEP) course? ____
Are you a Qualified Instructor? _____________________

Have you taken big game with a bow? ________________________
List by name ___________________________________________

Have you taken small game with a bow? _______________________
List by name ____________________________________________

Are you in full agreement with items 2 and 6 of the By-laws of the KBA? ______

Have you ever been convicted of a game law violation? ___________________

If yes, explain: _________________________________________________

Signature of applicant _____________________________ Date _________